Sunday, October 24, 2010

14 weeks

Yesterday we went to Whitewater World... man the sun was so strong and I think I got a little bit too much of it. I forget that it has more of an effect when pregnant, I should have gotten up a few hours before we left to find somewhere else to ploke my behind so I was in more shade... thumping headaches are not fun, especially when you can't go to bed as Ethan is still wide awake!

I can finally see a change in my body, as this baby grows... although baby is only 9cm's long, it's sure making itself comfortable by moving my insides around.

I'm trying to remember to take pictures along the way as with Ethan I didn't think I looked pregnant until the day before I had him and at that stage it was too late to get a belly cast done so many with this baby I might get around to it :-) or even some professional pictures taken instead with Hayden & Ethan.

I've gotten addicted to reading birth stories over the last week, all these wonderful woman bringing these beautiful babies into the world, and each journey has been so different. It's really made me wonder what it would be like to give birth naturally, a regret in some way that my body will not allow that choice to be made by me. After Hayden's birth my midwife basically told me that my birth canal was not the right shape to allow  Hayden to progress down which is why he was brought into this world via an emergency c-section. So my babies will always be c-section babies... but as long as they arrive safe and sound then what does it really matter on how they get here as which ever way they arrive it is always with love. But it doesn't stop the wondering... what if...

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